Our Values
At Calvary Worship Centre Bellingham, we exist to shine the light of Christ through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in our local community. We believe in the power of the Word of God, the edification of the body of Christ and the movement of His Spirit through our worship. These are the values that underscore our church
At Calvary Bellingham we understand the importance of prayer and want to grow and become a church that prays. Our desire is to follow the example of Jesus who demonstrated a lifestyle of prayer when He lived on the earth. In Luke 6 v 12-13 Jesus spent all night in prayer before selecting twelve of His disciples to become the apostles. As individuals, and as a church leadership and family we want to pray for God’s direction and will in every aspect of life.
As a church, Calvary Worship Centre welcomes people from all nations to join us to worship God. In Mark 11 v 17 Jesus said “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” We are a people of many nations, with a heart to worship God together. Our mission is to pray for all nations and touch every nation with the good news that Jesus offers the way to salvation and His unconditional love is for everyone no mater what their race or creed.
Our purpose is to be a church that is instrumental in fulfilling the assignment given by Jesus to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth using the authority and power given to us by God through His Holy Spirit to resist the works of satan. Our purpose is to fulfill the commission of Jesus found in Matthew 16 v 16-20 and Matthew 28 v18-20
Our passion is to become wholehearted lovers of God and of people. We take seriously the greatest commandment Jesus gave which is found in Matthew 22 v 37-39. “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment, And the second is like it:”love your neighbour as yourself'”
As God’s chosen sons and daughters we are committed to live our lives worthy of His calling. We desire to be God’s light in the world, living in purity and reflecting God’s glory. 1 Peter 2 v 9-12
As children of God, we want to to grow to become a church that puts our faith in the wisdom of God and not human wisdom. As we mature in knowing God, that we would rely on God’s power available to us through the Holy Spirit, and not place our dependence in human wisdom and strength. 1 Corinthians 2 v4-5
God delights in our praise and worship, recognizing who He is and what he has done for us. As a church, Calvary prioritizes worship and praise to Almighty God in our services and in our individual lives. Matthew 21 v 15-16